(Kalahari melons from seeds to a pure oil (life cycle))
Planting and Harvesting
In the beginning of the summer planting season the wild melon seeds are planted and allowed to grow through summer to late winter early spring when the melons are harvested. The seeds are sundried and stored for production and our seedbank for planting in the next season.
The oil is extracted via cold pressing of the seeds. Our Kalahari Melon Seed Oil is a pure oil containing 70% linoleic acid was produced consistently. (See our specification and the typical analysis of Organic or Conventional Kalahari Melon Seed Oil)
The Oil is produced on my farm in Latham West where I produce a pure cold press Kalahari Melon seed oil available for the cosmetic market.
(life cycle):
Kalahari melons from seeds to a pure oil
Our Process